NURS 6512 Week 11 Assignment – Step-by-Step Guide

The first step before starting to write the NURS 6512 Week 11 Assignment 1: Lab Assignment: Ethical Concerns, it is essential to understand the requirements of the assignment. The first step is to read the assignment prompt carefully to identify the topic, the length and format requirements. You should go through the rubric provided so that you can understand what is needed to score the maximum points for each part of the assignment. It is also important to identify the audience of the paper and its purpose so that it can help you determine the tone and style to use throughout. You can then create a timeline to help you complete each stage of the paper, such as conducting research, writing the paper, and revising it to avoid last-minute stress before the deadline. After identifying the formatting style to be applied to the paper, such as APA, you should review its use, such as writing citations and referencing the resources used. You should also review how to format the title page and the headings in the paper.

How to Research and Prepare for NURS 6512 Week 11 Assignment

The next step in preparing for your paper is to conduct research and identify the best sources to use to support your arguments. Identify the list of keywords from your topic using different combinations. The first step is to visit the university library and search through its database using the important keywords related to your topic. You can also find books, peer-reviewed articles, and credible sources for your topic from PubMed, JSTOR, ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, and Google Scholar. Ensure that you select the references that have been published in the last words and go through each to check for credibility. 

Ensure that you obtain the references in the required format, for example, in APA, so that you can save time when creating the final reference list. You can also group the references according to their themes that align with the outline of the paper. Go through each reference for its content and summarize the key concepts, arguments and findings for each source. You can write down your reflections on how each reference connects to the topic you are researching about. After the above steps, you can develop a strong thesis that is clear, concise and arguable. Next you should create a detailed outline of the paper so that it can help you to create headings and subheadings to be used in the NURS 6512 Week 11 Assignment paper. Ensure that you plan what point will go into each paragraph.

How to Write the Introduction for NURS 6512 Week 11 Assignment

The introduction of the paper is the most crucial part as it helps to provide the context of your work, and will determine if the reader will be interested to read through to the end. You should start with a hook, which will help capture the reader’s attention. You should contextualize the topic by offering the reader a concise overview of the topic you are writing about so that they may understand its importance. You should state what you aim to achieve with the NURS 6512 Week 11 Assignment paper. The last part of the introduction should be your thesis statement, which provides the main argument of the paper.

How to Write the Body for NURS 6512 Week 11 Assignment

The body of the paper helps you to present your arguments and evidence to support your claims. You can use headings and subheadings developed in the paper’s outline to guide you on how to organize the body. Start each paragraph with a topic sentence to help the reader know what point you will be discussing in that paragraph. Support your claims using the evidence conducted from the research, ensure that you cite each source properly using in-text citations. You should analyze the evidence presented and explain its significance and how it connects to the thesis statement. You should maintain a logical flow between each paragraph by using transition words and a flow of ideas.

How to Write the In-text Citations for NURS 6512 Week 11 Assignment

In-text citations help the reader to give credit to the authors of the references they have used in their works. All ideas that have been borrowed from references, any statistics and direct quotes must be referenced properly. The name and date of publication of the paper should be included when writing an in-text citation. For example, in APA, after stating the information, you can put an in-text citation after the end of the sentence, such as (Smith, 2021). If you are quoting directly from a source, include the page number in the citation, for example (Smith, 2021, p. 15). Remember to also include a corresponding reference list at the end of your NURS 6512 Week 11 Assignment paper that provides full details of each source cited in your text. An example paragraph highlighting the use of in-text citations is as below:

The integration of technology in nursing practice has significantly transformed patient care and improved health outcomes. According to Smith (2021), the use of electronic health records (EHRs) has streamlined communication among healthcare providers, allowing for more coordinated and efficient care delivery. Furthermore, Johnson and Brown (2020) highlight that telehealth services have expanded access to care, particularly for patients in rural areas, thereby reducing barriers to treatment.

How to Write the Conclusion for NURS 6512 Week 11 Assignment

When writing the conclusion of the paper, start by restarting your thesis, which helps remind the reader what your paper is about. Summarize the key points of the paper, by restating them. Discuss the implications of your findings and your arguments. End with a call to action that leaves a lasting impact on the reader or recommendations.

How to Format the Reference List for NURS 6512 Week 11 Assignment

The reference helps provide the reader with the complete details of the sources you cited in the paper. The reference list should start with the title “References” on a new page. It should be aligned center and bolded, in sentence sentence care. The references should be organized in an ascending order alphabetically and each should have a hanging indent. If a source has no author, it should be alphabetized by the title of the work, ignoring any initial articles such as “A,” “An,” or “The.” If you have multiple works by the same author, list them in chronological order, starting with the earliest publication. 

Each reference entry should include specific elements depending on the type of source. For books, include the author’s last name, first initial, publication year in parentheses, the title of the book in italics, the edition (if applicable), and the publisher’s name. For journal articles, include the author’s last name, first initial, publication year in parentheses, the title of the article (not italicized), the title of the journal in italics, the volume number in italics, the issue number in parentheses (if applicable), and the page range of the article. For online sources, include the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) or the URL at the end of the reference. An example reference list is as follows:


Johnson, L. M., & Brown, R. T. (2020). The role of telehealth in improving patient outcomes. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 35(2), 123-130.

Smith, J. A. (2021). The impact of technology on nursing practice. Health Press.

An Example NURS 6512 Week 11 Assignment Follows:

Lab Assignment: Ethical Concerns

As an advanced practice nurse, it is essential to thoroughly understand the patient’s medical history and current symptoms to diagnose and treat their condition effectively. A complete physical examination should be performed, including a thorough abdominal examination, to assess for pain, tenderness, and peritoneal signs. Additionally, a rectal examination is conducted to assess for blood, inflammation, or other signs of active disease. This knowledge is essential in determining the patient’s best course of treatment and potentially managing complications (Mealie & Manthey, 2022). The medical history, including previous treatment for Ulcerative Colitis, medication history, and any past surgeries or hospitalizations, is also considered.

In addition to the physical examination, laboratory tests are also conducted, including a C-reactive protein (CRP), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and complete blood count (CBC) to evaluate inflammation and anemia. The main treatment objective is to have the mucosa healed and confirmed via an endoscopy (Kucharzik et al., 2020). These tests help determine the severity of the patient’s condition and guide treatment decisions. Furthermore, imaging studies such as a CT scan or ultrasound are performed to assess for any abdominal masses or signs of complications such as perforation or toxic megacolon. These studies provide a detailed look at the patient’s anatomy and assist in the diagnosis and treatment of any complications.

As an advanced practice nurse responding to this scenario, I consider the evidence-based practice guidelines and ethical considerations applicable to the patient’s care. My priority would be to address the patient’s immediate medical needs and stabilize his condition, as he has no medical or prescription insurance. This would involve initiating treatment for the active disease, including pain management medications and remission induction. According to the most recent research, patients who are naïve to biologics may choose infliximab and vedolizumab as their first-line treatments. The combination therapy of a biological agent with an immunomodulator is more effective than monotherapy with either agent (Feuerstein et al., 2020). Intravenous methylprednisolone 40–60mg/day or equivalent and infliximab or cyclosporine are recommended for hospitalized ASUC patients who do not improve after taking corticosteroids.

Furthermore, I consider ethical considerations, including informed consent and patient autonomy. I would explain the treatment options to the patient and the potential risks and benefits to allow him to make an informed decision about his care. Kyriakos et al. (2021) opine that Informed consent ensures respect for the autonomy and self-determination of the patient, appropriate disclosure of information, and voluntariness, which are vital in addressing noncompliance with treatment. In addition, I address the issue of access to care and social determinants of health. I would collaborate with hospital administration and community resources to identify potential options for financial assistance and ensure that the patient has access to continued care and medication after discharge. By taking these steps, I strive to provide comprehensive and compassionate care to patients with Ulcerative Colitis.

NURS 6512 Week 11 Assignment References

Feuerstein, J. D., Isaacs, K. L., Schneider, Y., Siddique, S. M., Falck-Ytter, Y., Singh, S., & AGA Institute Clinical Guidelines Committee (2020). AGA Clinical Practice Guidelines on the Management of Moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis. Gastroenterology, 158(5), 1450–1461.

Kucharzik, T., Koletzko, S., Kannengiesser, K., & Dignass, A. (2020). Ulcerative Colitis-Diagnostic and Therapeutic Algorithms. Deutsches Arzteblatt International, 117(33-34), 564–574.

Kyriakos, N., Papaefthymiou, A., Giakoumis, M., Iatropoulos, G., Mantzaris, G., & Liatsos, C. (2021). Informed consent in inflammatory bowel disease: a necessity in real-world clinical practice. Annals of Gastroenterology, 34(4), 466–475.

Mealie, C. A., & Manthey, D. E. (2022). Abdominal exam. National Library of Medicine; StatPearls Publishing.

You have now covered everything in this class. I hope the lessons have been valuable. But before you go, how about we take another test, the NURS 6512 Week 11 Final exam, which covers everything in the course, but more particularly from week 6 to week 11.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

When approaching a 500-word essay, it’s essential to understand the nuances of this compact form of writing. These frequently asked questions will guide you through the process of crafting a concise and impactful essay.

How many pages is a 500-word essay typically?

A 500-word essay usually spans about one page if single-spaced or two pages when double-spaced, with standard margins and a 12-point font size.

Can you provide examples of a well-structured 500-word essay?

Certainly, to see the structure and flow of a well-written essay, you might want to take a look at a student’s writing guide that provides insights and examples.

Are there specific formatting guidelines for a 500-word essay?

Formatting guidelines typically involve using a legible font like Times New Roman or Arial, size 12, with double-spacing and one-inch margins on all sides. Check any specific requirements your instructor might have provided.

What are some effective strategies for writing a personal essay of 500 words?

For a personal essay, focus on a singular event or characteristic, ensuring your ideas are clear and you reflect on the significance of the subject matter. Use concise language and powerful imagery to maximize impact.

What topics are suitable for a concise 500-word essay?

Choose topics you can thoroughly address within the word limit, such as a personal anecdote, a critical analysis of a poem, or a focused argument on a singular point or issue.

How much time should you allocate to write a 500-word essay effectively?

Depending on your familiarity with the topic and writing proficiency, allocate anywhere from one to several hours for planning, drafting, and revising to ensure a well-presented essay.